

I had been working out for about 9 years before I became a member of the ChrisFit family.  My husband had become a member of the gym a few months prior to me and would come home talking about the workouts he was put through by a trainer there along with the diversified equipment that not all gyms have.  The crazy workouts combined with his successful weight loss was nothing short of inspirational to me.  I, at the time, was 7 months pregnant with our second daughter.  I began to train with the same trainer who I can honestly say went above and beyond ensuring that I was not only receiving  safe workouts being that far along, but also a workout that was challenging and leaving me wanting to work harder.

After my daughter was born, I began to train with Chris Tybor and cannot express the amount of success that I have achieved mentally and physically.  With him, I had set goals of weight loss for myself which I met and exceeded, all while accomplishing certain tasks that I never believed I was capable of doing. Chris, and the other trainers, all motivate me to be better and try harder to push myself.  Chris has taught me how to be accountable when it comes to nutrition and always answers any questions that I have when it comes to it.  I often say “thank you for all of your help” to Chris, with his reply always being “you did the work, be proud of yourself”, selflessly not taking credit for the time and effort he has put into training me.

I say I became a member of the ChrisFit family because it is exactly that, a family.  On any given day and time, I can walk into the front doors and be greeted by the many people who are there, employees or other members.  Numerous people that I did not know at the time noticed my pregnancy and would ask my husband how I was doing while I was absent.  Because the members care about one another, small compliments or words of encouragement go a long way.  On several occasions throughout the year, Chris altruistically holds events that benefit Heart, Love and Soul amongst other organizations.  During those events, the support of the members is astounding.  I can proudly say that I am a member of the best gym around.